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Ambassadors & Affiliates

earn up to 20% cash commission

Our Program Is Split Into Three Tiers


Available to all interested customers, ambassadors, & organizations

Sign Up
Simply complete the form above to join,
no cost involved.

Recieive Your Exclusive Discount
Use the special
code sent to you to enjoy 15% off your shoppers'

Earn Cash
Recive a 10% cash commission on every sale
made through your affiliate link.

Upgrade to Silver
Once you generate $1,000 in RLC sales through
your affiliate link, youโ€™ll automatically be upgraded
to our Silver Affiliate Tier and receive a $50 Gift
Card as a thank-youfrom Red Land Cotton.


Any customer, ambassador, or organization that generates $1,000 worth of sales in our Bronze Tier

Exclusive Discount
Share your affiliate code to give shoppers 15%
off their purchases.

Earn More
Enjoy a 15% cash commission on every sale made
through your unique affiliate link.

Upgrade to Gold
Once you reach $2,000 in RLC sales via your
affiliate link, youโ€™ll be automatically upgraded to
the Gold Affiliate Tier and receive a $100 Gift Card
from Red Land Cotton as a special reward.


Available to customers, ambassadors, or organizations who generate $2,000 in sales within the Silver Tier

Exclusive Discount
Share your affiliate code to give shoppers 15% off
their purchases.

Maximize Earnings
Earn a generous 20% cash commission on each
sale made through your affiliate link.

Exclusive Rewards

As our most premium and priority tier, youโ€™ll receive
exclusive RLC gifts for every $1,000 in sales reached.
