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A Review Of How To Keep Your Bedding White

Keeping Your Bedding White and Bright (Without Bleach)

A customer emailed us recently asking what the best solution would be to keeping our white linens from yellowing over time. That's a great question! We don't recommend using the harshness of bleach on our linens, and we know our linens are an investment that you want to stay beautiful for years to come. So what's the solution?

Well, after searching the internet, I (anna) came upon an article with some alternative solutions to keeping your white's white. Some of which I have used myself in the past, some of which are new to me and I will need to try these tricks out. 

5 Ways To Keep Your Bedding White Without Using Bleach (Or Any Other "Chemicals" For That Matter)

1. lemon

Martha Stewart, the queen of the folded fitted sheet herself, recommends adding a little lemon juice to your regular wash cycle to achieve a brighter and whiter white. I'm sure it will smell heavenly too! 


2. sunshine

We've always been fans of drying our linens on the line in the sunshine. Now we know it has added benefit: The sun will bleach your clothing without the smell and danger of bleach! Just more reason to let the linens hang to dry in the great outdoors!


3. white vinegar

It's smell is fairly horrible but it's cleaning powers are worth it! Add a dose of white vinegar to your wash cycle and see amazing results (I use it when washing my towels frequently). White vinegar softens fabric, bringing brightness and comfort back to fabrics. 


4. baking soda

A mixture of water and baking soda can whiten your whites without any other additives in your wash. Combine four liters of water with one cup of baking soda, and drop in your white laundry. Let it soak, and your clothes will be fresh and clean once finished.  


5. aspirin

This was the most interesting tip in my opinion. Aspirin, a great aid for headaches and all other aches, breaks down the gunk that's yellowed your whites. Dissolve five white aspirin pills in water, and add your clothes to the mix. Let them soak a while, and then toss them into your washer. Be sure to stay away from the colored varieties of aspirin, though, or your whites could come out with a colorful tinge.


If any of you have other thoughts or tips on the matter we would LOVE to hear about them in the comments below!

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