Every year we gin roughly 6000 bales of cotton in our relatively small cotton gin on our farm. This is where our quality control truly begins. We pull only the best bales to go into our bedding and bath towels. In 2021 we used approximately 2,500 bales of our cotton and we plan to use even more in 2022! Here are just a few frequently asked questions about the ginning process!
How many pounds of cotton is processed in the gin?
2.5 million pounds are processed every year.
2.5 million pounds are processed every year.
How many bales of cotton comes out of the gin every year?
6,000 - 7,000 bales
How long is the gin open?
It's open until it's over - roughly 1-2 months.
How does the gin work?
The cotton gin works by separating the cottonseed and stem from the fiber. The cotton lint goes through a series of cleaners and then into a baling system.
How many people work at the gin?
Typically 7 people are needed to maintain the gin.
How many pounds of cotton are in a set of sheets?
Approximately 7 pounds of cotton are in a set of sheets!