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Young Co Founder Anna Brakefield Reflects On Our Founding Principles

Coming Back to Cotton

We believe it's important to be transparent. You as a consumer/friend deserve to know who is growing the crops that provide the cotton you sleep on, who is designing and managing the production process and why they are doing what they are doing. Also, we hope as you get to know us and our process, the more you will like us! :)


Today we would like to introduce one of our co-owners and creators, Anna Yeager Brakefield. Like her brothers, she was literally raised in the middle of a cotton field. A lot of time was spent playing out in the fields with her brothers and cousins building forts, riding four-wheelers, taking long walks and growing imagination. It was a special and unique growing up experience. One that, no doubt, had a heavy influence in shaping her life. 

She left North Alabama after high-school to go even further South to Auburn University for college. (WAR EAGLE!!!) She spent four years cultivating the best friendships, experiences and skills that only such a superior university could provide! (We're not biased at all!) She graduated in 2012 with a degree in Graphic Design. 


within a month of graduation she began her two year stint in new york city.

Never afraid of a little challenge or adventure, she jumped into the mix and loved (almost) every minute of it! While there, she worked at KBS+P, an advertising firm in SOHO. Again, the experiences, friendships and lessons learned were those that only a city like NYC could provide. It sharpened her skills and broadened her way of thinking. 

so, where does one go after nyc?

Back to the South to marry your college sweetheart of course! In 2014 Anna moved to Nashville in preparation of marrying her boyfriend of 5 years, Nick Brakefield. Nick graduated pharmacy school in May of 2015 and the two married in July. After a year and a half of working in the marketing/ad/branding industry in Nashville, Anna and her father decided to combine his agriculture background with her marketing and design knowledge to create Red Land Cotton.


It's been a journey over the past year. During the time spent traveling all over the Southern United States putting together their production line, they have both become resolute in their dedication to be part of the resurgence of the American Textile industry and bring quality American made goods back into the market place. It's extremely important to both of them that the quality of their product be pristine. From the quality of the fibers to the attention to detail in the design and delivery of the final product, they are committed to bringing the best of the best to their consumers. 

it's fair to say that anna has come back to cotton after all these years.

Maybe absence does make the heart grow fonder. Maybe Gerald O'Hara was right when he told Scarlet "It will come to you, this love of the land". Or maybe being a textile woman was just in the cards of life. Either way, we think that this might be her greatest adventure yet! And let's be honest, every farm operation needs a woman around.

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